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Martin Ramsch iso8859-1 table

Вашему вниманию предлагается таблица ASCII – ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) Table with HTML Entity Names, составленная Мартином Рамшем. Здесь приводится несколько дополненный и уточненный вариант.

Данная таблица может оказаться чрезвычайно полезной тем, кто размещает в Паутине текстовую информацию, содержащую различные спецсимволы, математические выражения, или буквы из алфавитов вроде немецкого, чешского, финского или греческого. Например, используя данную таблицу, можно в Интернете разместить такое выражение:

∑ (γ + μ) ≤ ∞

или написать что-нибудь по фински, типа:

Kotikunta – ja väestötiedot

Причем, в данном случае, смена кодировки в настройках вашего броузера ни коим образом не сможет отразиться на тексте. Можете проверить.

Большое спасибо тебе, Мартин, за такую нужную вещь!

Примечание: если в 4-ой колонке таблицы вместо выражения вида: "÷ --> ÷" вы видите что-то типа: "÷ --> ÷", значит ваш броузер не поддерживает данную кодировку.

Special Characters and Numbers

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
space                                        -->  
exclamation mark                     !     ! --> !
(double) quotation mark              "     " --> "   "   --> "
number sign                          #     # --> #
dollar sign                          $     $ --> $
percent sign                         %     % --> %
ampersand                            &     & --> &   &    --> &
apostrophe, single quote mark        '     ' --> '
left parenthesis                     (     ( --> (
right parenthesis                    )     ) --> )
asterisk                             *     * --> *
plus sign                            +     + --> +
comma                                ,     , --> ,
minus sign, hyphen                   -     - --> -   −  --> −
period, decimal point, full stop     .     . --> .
slash, virgule, solidus              /     / --> /
digit 0                              0     0 --> 0
digit 1                              1     1 --> 1
digit 2                              2     2 --> 2
digit 3                              3     3 --> 3
digit 4                              4     4 --> 4
digit 5                              5     5 --> 5
digit 6                              6     6 --> 6
digit 7                              7     7 --> 7
digit 8                              8     8 --> 8
digit 9                              9     9 --> 9
colon                                :     : --> :
semicolon                            ;     &#059; --> ;
less-than sign                       <     &#060; --> <   &lt;     --> <
equal sign                           =     &#061; --> =
greater-than sign                    >     &#062; --> >   &gt;     --> >
question mark                        ?     &#063; --> ?

Upper Case Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
commercial at sign                   @     &#064; --> @
capital A                            A     &#065; --> A
capital B                            B     &#066; --> B
capital C                            C     &#067; --> C
capital D                            D     &#068; --> D
capital E                            E     &#069; --> E
capital F                            F     &#070; --> F
capital G                            G     &#071; --> G
capital H                            H     &#072; --> H
capital I                            I     &#073; --> I
capital J                            J     &#074; --> J
capital K                            K     &#075; --> K
capital L                            L     &#076; --> L
capital M                            M     &#077; --> M
capital N                            N     &#078; --> N
capital O                            O     &#079; --> O
capital P                            P     &#080; --> P
capital Q                            Q     &#081; --> Q
capital R                            R     &#082; --> R
capital S                            S     &#083; --> S
capital T                            T     &#084; --> T
capital U                            U     &#085; --> U
capital V                            V     &#086; --> V
capital W                            W     &#087; --> W
capital X                            X     &#088; --> X
capital Y                            Y     &#089; --> Y
capital Z                            Z     &#090; --> Z
left square bracket                  [     &#091; --> [
backslash, reverse solidus           \     &#092; --> \
right square bracket                 ]     &#093; --> ]
spacing circumflex accent            ^     &#094; --> ^
spacing underscore, low line,        _     &#095; --> _

Lower Case Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
spacing grave accent,                `     &#096; --> `
   back apostrophe
small a                              a     &#097; --> a
small b                              b     &#098; --> b
small c                              c     &#099; --> c
small d                              d     &#100; --> d
small e                              e     &#101; --> e
small f                              f     &#102; --> f
small g                              g     &#103; --> g
small h                              h     &#104; --> h
small i                              i     &#105; --> i
small j                              j     &#106; --> j
small k                              k     &#107; --> k
small l                              l     &#108; --> l
small m                              m     &#109; --> m
small n                              n     &#110; --> n
small o                              o     &#111; --> o
small p                              p     &#112; --> p
small q                              q     &#113; --> q
small r                              r     &#114; --> r
small s                              s     &#115; --> s
small t                              t     &#116; --> t
small u                              u     &#117; --> u
small v                              v     &#118; --> v
small w                              w     &#119; --> w
small x                              x     &#120; --> x
small y                              y     &#121; --> y
small z                              z     &#122; --> z
left brace (curly bracket)           {     &#123; --> {
vertical bar                         |     &#124; --> |
right brace (curly bracket)          }     &#125; --> }
tilde accent                         ~     &#126; --> ~
delete                               DEL   &#127;

Extended Control Characters (Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 Added Characters in Green)

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
euro sign                            €     &#128; --> €   &euro;   --> €
    —                                      &#129;
low left rising single quote         ‚     &#130; --> ‚
small italic f, function of,               &#131; --> ƒ   &fnof;   --> ƒ
   f florin
low left rising double quote         „     &#132; --> „
low horizontal ellipsis              …     &#133; --> …   &hellip; --> …
dagger mark                          †     &#134; --> †   &dagger; --> †
double dagger mark                   ‡     &#135; --> ‡   &Dagger; --> ‡
letter modifying circumflex                &#136; --> ˆ   &circ;   --> ˆ
per thousand (mille) sign            ‰     &#137; --> ‰   &permil; --> ‰
capital S caron or hacek                   &#138; --> Š   &Scaron; --> Š
left single angle quote mark         ‹     &#139; --> ‹   &lsaquo; --> ‹
capital OE ligature                        &#140; --> Œ   &OElig;  --> Œ
    —                                      &#141;
capital Z caron or hacek                   &#142; --> Ž
    —                                      &#143;
    —                                      &#144;
left single quotation mark,          ‘     &#145; --> ‘   &lsquo;  --> ‘
right single quote mark              ’     &#146; --> ’   &rsquo;  --> ’
left double quotation mark,          “     &#147; --> “   &ldquo;  --> “
right double quote mark              ”     &#148; --> ”   &rdquo;  --> ”
round filled bullet                  •     &#149; --> •   &bull;   --> •
en dash                              –     &#150; --> –   &ndash;  --> –
em dash                              —     &#151; --> —   &mdash;  --> —
small spacing tilde accent                 &#152; --> ˜   &tilde;  --> ˜
trademark sign                       ™     &#153; --> ™   &trade;  --> ™
small s caron or hacek                     &#154; --> š   &scaron; --> š
right single angle quote mark        ›     &#155; --> ›   &rsaquo; --> ›
small oe ligature                          &#156; --> œ   &oelig;  --> œ
    —                                      &#157;
small z caron or hacek                     &#158; --> ž
capital Y dieresis or umlaut               &#159; --> Ÿ   &Yuml;   --> Ÿ

ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) Entities Special Characters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
non-breaking space                         &#160; -->     &nbsp;   -->  
inverted exclamation mark                  &#161; --> ¡   &iexcl;  --> ¡
cent sign                                  &#162; --> ¢   &cent;   --> ¢
pound sterling sign                        &#163; --> £   &pound;  --> £
general currency sign                ¤     &#164; --> ¤   &curren; --> ¤
yen sign                                   &#165; --> ¥   &yen;    --> ¥
broken vertical bar                  ¦     &#166; --> ¦   &brvbar; --> ¦
section sign                         §     &#167; --> §   &sect;   --> §
spacing dieresis or umlaut                 &#168; --> ¨   &uml;    --> ¨
copyright sign                       ©     &#169; --> ©   &copy;   --> ©
feminine ordinal indicator                 &#170; --> ª   &ordf;   --> ª
left (double) angle quote            «     &#171; --> «   &laquo;  --> «
logical not sign                     ¬     &#172; --> ¬   &not;    --> ¬
soft hyphen                                &#173; --> ­    &shy;    --> ­
registered trademark sign            ®     &#174; --> ®   &reg;    --> ®
spacing macron (long) accent,              &#175; --> ¯   &macr;   --> ¯
degree sign                          °     &#176; --> °   &deg;    --> °
plus-or-minus sign                   ±     &#177; --> ±   &plusmn; --> ±
superscript 2                              &#178; --> ²   &sup2;   --> ²
superscript 3                              &#179; --> ³   &sup3;   --> ³
spacing acute accent                       &#180; --> ´   &acute;  --> ´
micro sign                           µ     &#181; --> µ   &micro;  --> µ
paragraph sign, pilcrow sign         ¶     &#182; --> ¶   &para;   --> ¶
middle dot, centered dot             ·     &#183; --> ·   &middot; --> ·
spacing cedilla                            &#184; --> ¸   &cedil;  --> ¸
superscript 1                              &#185; --> ¹   &sup1;   --> ¹
masculine ordinal indicator                &#186; --> º   &ordm;   --> º
right (double) angle quote           »     &#187; --> »   &raquo;  --> »
fraction 1/4                               &#188; --> ¼   &frac14; --> ¼
fraction 1/2                               &#189; --> ½   &frac12; --> ½
fraction 3/4                               &#190; --> ¾   &frac34; --> ¾
inverted question mark                     &#191; --> ¿   &iquest; --> ¿

Upper Case Latin-1 Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
capital A grave                            &#192; --> À   &Agrave; --> À
capital A acute                            &#193; --> Á   &Aacute; --> Á
capital A circumflex                       &#194; --> Â   &Acirc;  --> Â
capital A tilde                            &#195; --> Ã   &Atilde; --> Ã
capital A dieresis or umlaut               &#196; --> Ä   &Auml;   --> Ä
capital A ring                             &#197; --> Å   &Aring;  --> Å
capital AE ligature                        &#198; --> Æ   &AElig;  --> Æ
capital C cedilla                          &#199; --> Ç   &Ccedil; --> Ç
capital E grave                            &#200; --> È   &Egrave; --> È
capital E acute                            &#201; --> É   &Eacute; --> É
capital E circumflex                       &#202; --> Ê   &Ecirc;  --> Ê
capital E dieresis or umlaut               &#203; --> Ë   &Euml;   --> Ë
capital I grave                            &#204; --> Ì   &Igrave; --> Ì
capital I acute                            &#205; --> Í   &Iacute; --> Í
capital I circumflex                       &#206; --> Î   &Icirc;  --> Î
capital I dieresis or umlaut               &#207; --> Ï   &Iuml;   --> Ï
capital ETH                                &#208; --> Ð   &ETH;    --> Ð
capital N tilde                            &#209; --> Ñ   &Ntilde; --> Ñ
capital O grave                            &#210; --> Ò   &Ograve; --> Ò
capital O acute                            &#211; --> Ó   &Oacute; --> Ó
capital O circumflex                       &#212; --> Ô   &Ocirc;  --> Ô
capital O tilde                            &#213; --> Õ   &Otilde; --> Õ
capital O dieresis or umlaut               &#214; --> Ö   &Ouml;   --> Ö
multiplication sign                        &#215; --> ×   &times;  --> ×
capital O slash                            &#216; --> Ø   &Oslash; --> Ø
capital U grave                            &#217; --> Ù   &Ugrave; --> Ù
capital U acute                            &#218; --> Ú   &Uacute; --> Ú
capital U circumflex                       &#219; --> Û   &Ucirc;  --> Û
capital U dieresis or umlaut               &#220; --> Ü   &Uuml;   --> Ü
capital Y acute                            &#221; --> Ý   &Yacute; --> Ý
capital THORN                              &#222; --> Þ   &THORN;  --> Þ
small sharp s, sz ligature                 &#223; --> ß   &szlig;  --> ß

Lower Case Latin-1 Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
small a grave                              &#224; --> à   &agrave; --> à
small a acute                              &#225; --> á   &aacute; --> á
small a circumflex                         &#226; --> â   &acirc;  --> â
small a tilde                              &#227; --> ã   &atilde; --> ã
small a dieresis or umlaut                 &#228; --> ä   &auml;   --> ä
small a ring                               &#229; --> å   &aring;  --> å
small ae ligature                          &#230; --> æ   &aelig;  --> æ
small c cedilla                            &#231; --> ç   &ccedil; --> ç
small e grave                              &#232; --> è   &egrave; --> è
small e acute                              &#233; --> é   &eacute; --> é
small e circumflex                         &#234; --> ê   &ecirc;  --> ê
small e dieresis or umlaut                 &#235; --> ë   &euml;   --> ë
small i grave                              &#236; --> ì   &igrave; --> ì
small i acute                              &#237; --> í   &iacute; --> í
small i circumflex                         &#238; --> î   &icirc;  --> î
small i dieresis or umlaut                 &#239; --> ï   &iuml;   --> ï
small eth                                  &#240; --> ð   &eth;    --> ð
small n tilde                              &#241; --> ñ   &ntilde; --> ñ
small o grave                              &#242; --> ò   &ograve; --> ò
small o acute                              &#243; --> ó   &oacute; --> ó
small o circumflex                         &#244; --> ô   &ocirc;  --> ô
small o tilde                              &#245; --> õ   &otilde; --> õ
small o dieresis or umlaut                 &#246; --> ö   &ouml;   --> ö
division sign                              &#247; --> ÷   &divide; --> ÷
small o slash                              &#248; --> ø   &oslash; --> ø
small u grave                              &#249; --> ù   &ugrave; --> ù
small u acute                              &#250; --> ú   &uacute; --> ú
small u circumflex                         &#251; --> û   &ucirc;  --> û
small u dieresis or umlaut                 &#252; --> ü   &uuml;   --> ü
small y acute                              &#253; --> ý   &yacute; --> ý
small thorn                                &#254; --> þ   &thorn;  --> þ
small y dieresis or umlaut                 &#255; --> ÿ   &yuml;   --> ÿ

Microsoft® Windows / Adobe Symbol Font with ISO 8879 Entity Names and Adobe PostScript® Hex

Special Characters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
for all                                                   &forall; --> ∀
there exists                                              &exist;  --> ∃
contains as a member                                      &ni;     --> ∋  

Upper Case Greek Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
capital Alpha                                             &Alpha;  --> Α
capital Beta                                              &Beta;   --> Β
capital Chi                                               &Chi;    --> Χ
capital Delta                                             &Delta;  --> Δ
capital Epsilon                                           &Epsilon;--> Ε
capital Phi                                               &Phi;    --> Φ
capital Gamma                                             &Gamma;  --> Γ
capital Eta                                               &Eta;    --> Η
capital Iota                                              &Iota;   --> Ι
capital Kappa                                             &Kappa;  --> Κ
capital Lambda                                            &Lambda; --> Λ
capital Mu                                                &Mu;     --> Μ
capital Nu                                                &Nu;     --> Ν
capital Omicron                                           &Omicron;--> Ο
capital Pi                                                &Pi;     --> Π
capital Theta                                             &Theta;  --> Θ
capital Rho                                               &Rho;    --> Ρ
capital Sigma                                             &Sigma;  --> Σ
capital Tau                                               &Tau;    --> Τ
capital Upsilon                                           &Upsilon;--> Υ
capital Omega, ohm sign                                   &Omega;  --> Ω
capital Xi                                                &Xi;     --> Ξ
capital Psi                                               &Psi;    --> Ψ
capital Zeta                                              &Zeta;   --> Ζ
therefore, hence                                          &there4; --> ∴
perpendicular                                             &perp;   --> ⊥

Lower Case Greek Letters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
small alpha                                               &alpha;  --> α
small beta                                                &beta;   --> β
small chi                                                 &chi;    --> χ
small delta                                               &delta;  --> δ
small script epsilon, curly epsilon                       &epsilon;--> ε
small (straight) phi                                      &phi;    --> φ
small gamma                                               &gamma;  --> γ
small eta                                                 &eta;    --> η
small iota                                                &iota;   --> ι
small kappa                                               &kappa;  --> κ
small lambda                                              &lambda; --> λ
small mu                                                  &mu;     --> μ
small nu                                                  &nu;     --> ν
small omicron                                             &omicron;--> ο
small pi                                                  &pi;     --> π
small (straight) theta                                    &theta;  --> θ
small rho                                                 &rho;    --> ρ
small sigma                                               &sigma;  --> σ
small tau                                                 &tau;    --> τ
small upsilon                                             &upsilon;--> υ
small omega                                               &omega;  --> ω
small xi                                                  &xi;     --> ξ
small psi                                                 &psi;    --> ψ
small zeta                                                &zeta;   --> ζ
similar sign, tilde operator                              &sim;    --> ∼

Special Characters

Description                          Char  Code           Entity name   
===================================  ====  ============   ==============
prime, minute mark                                        &prime;  --> ′
less-than-or-equal sign                                   &le;     --> ≤
infinity                                                  &infin;  --> ∞
small italic f, function of,                              &fnof;   --> ƒ
club suit symbol                                          &clubs;  --> ♣
diamond suit symbol                                       &diams;  --> ♦
heart suit symbol                                         &hearts; --> ♥
spade suit symbol                                         &spades; --> ♠
horizontal (left-right) arrow                             &harr;   --> ↔
left arrow                                                &larr;   --> ←
up arrow                                                  &uarr;   --> ↑
right arrow                                               &rarr;   --> →
down arrow                                                &darr;   --> ↓
double prime, second mark                                 &Prime;  --> ″
greater-than-or-equal sign                                &ge;     --> ≥
proportional to                                           &prop;   --> ∝
partial differential, curly d                             &part;   --> ∂
round filled bullet                                       &bull;   --> •
not-equal sign                                            &ne;     --> ≠
identical to, equivalent                                  &equiv;  --> ≡
low horizontal ellipsis                                   &hellip; --> …
circled multiplication sign                               &otimes; --> ⊗
set intersection                                          &cap;    --> ∩
set union                                                 &cup;    --> ∪
proper superset of                                        &sup;    --> ⊃
superset-of-or-equal-to                                   &supe;   --> ⊇
proper subset of                                          &sub;    --> ⊂
subset-of-or-equal-to                                     &sube;   --> ⊆
element of, set membership                                &isin;   --> ∈
angle                                                     &ang;    --> ∠
del operator, gradient, nabla                             &nabla;  --> ∇
n-ary product operator                                    &prod;   --> ∏
radical, square root                                      &radic;  --> √
logical and                                               &and;    --> ∧
logical or                                                &or;     --> ∨
horizontal double arrow                                   &hArr;   --> ⇔
right double arrow                                        &rArr;   --> ⇒
lozenge, total mark                                       &loz;    --> ◊
n-ary summation operator                                  &sum;    --> ∑
integral sign                                             &int;    --> ∫

How to read this table. The columns are
textual description of the character
character inserted directly into the HTML page as one byte
character written as numeric HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"
character written as symbolic HTML entity, in the format:
"how it looks literally" --> "what your browser does with it"

Martin Ramsch, 23.07.93, 1997-11-18, 1999-07-12, 1999-11-22, 2000-05-15